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Earning the ITIL 4 Foundation Certification demonstrates a basic understanding of the ITIL 4 framework and its best practices. It is a valuable credential for IT professionals who want to advance their career in IT service management. ITIL 4 Foundation Exam certification is recognized globally and can open up many job opportunities in various industries, including IT, healthcare, finance, and government. Moreover, it provides a solid foundation for further ITIL 4 certifications, such as ITIL 4 Managing Professional and ITIL 4 Strategic Leader.
ITIL 4 Foundation certification is ideal for IT professionals who want to enhance their knowledge of IT service management and improve their career prospects. ITIL 4 Foundation Exam certification is also suitable for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in IT service management. ITIL 4 Foundation Exam certification is recognized globally and is highly valued by employers as it demonstrates a candidate's commitment to excellence in IT service management.
ITIL 4 Foundation certification exam covers a wide range of topics related to IT service management, including service value system, service management practices, key concepts, and terminology. It is a multiple-choice exam that consists of 40 questions, and the candidates are given 60 minutes to complete it. The passing score for ITIL-4-Foundation Exam is 65%, and the results are available immediately after the exam.
Which guiding principle helps an organization to understand the impact of an altered element on other elements in a system?
Answer: A
How can a service consumer contnbute to the reduction of nsk?
Answer: B
Which TWO statements about an organization's culture are CORRECT? (Choose two.)
1. It is created from shared values based on how it carries out its work
2. It is determined by the type of technology used to support services
3. It should be based on the culture of prospective suppliers
4. It should be based on the objectives of the organization
Answer: A
What is the difference between the 'incident management" and 'service desk' practices'?
Answer: A
The incident management practice aims to minimize the negative impact of incidents by restoring normal service operation as quickly as possible1. This practice involves logging, categorizing, prioritizing, investigating, resolving, and closing incidents2. The service desk practice provides a single point of contact for users and customers to report issues, make requests, or seek guidance1. This practice involves providing communication with users, capturing feedback, managing user satisfaction, and facilitating continual improvement3. Reference: ITIL Foundation - ITIL 4 Edition, page 14; ITIL 4 - A Pocket Guide, page 32; ITIL 4 Practice Guide: Incident Management, page 7.
Identify the missing word in the following sentence.
The purpose of the 'information security management' practice is to [?] the organization's information.
Answer: C
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